Club Rules

1   Name and Object: The Club shall be called the “Dee Sailing Club”. The object of the Club shall be the encouragement of boat sailing. The Club shall be a non profit making organisation. All profits and surpluses shall be used to maintain or improve the Club’s facilities. No profit or surplus shall be distributed other than in accordance with rule 25.

2   Flag: The Club burgee shall be red with a leaping silver salmon.

3   Officers: The Officers of the Club shall be Commodore, Vice-Commodore, Rear Commodore (Sailing), Rear Commodore (Social), Captain, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Membership Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and Chairman of Land and Premises, who shall be ex-officio members of the General Committee. More than one person may be elected or appointed to discharge the functions of an Office in which event such Office shall be a Joint Office.

4   Trustees: The property of the Club shall be vested in three Trustees, who shall be appointed by the General Committee, and shall be dealt with by them as the General Committee shall from time to time direct by resolution (of which an entry in the minute book shall be conclusive evidence). The Trustees shall hold office until death or resignation or removal from office by the General Committee. Where, by reason of such death, resignation or removal, it is necessary that a new Trustee or new Trustees be appointed the General Committee shall nominate the person or persons to be so appointed. For the purpose of giving effect to such nomination, the President is hereby nominated to be the person to appoint new trustees of the Club within the meaning of section 36 Trustee Act 1925 and shall, by deed, duly appoint the person or persons nominated by the General Committee.

5   Management: The management of the Club shall be entrusted to a General Committee which shall consist of the Officers of the Club and nine elected members. The elected members shall retire at the end of three continuous years’ service to the General Committee and shall not be re-elected for one year. In addition, a Commodore on retiring from office shall serve on the General Committee for six months following his term of office. The majority of the General Committee shall be boat owners and the General Committee shall have power to appoint sub-committees and co-opt members as required.  The General Committee in exercise of its management powers may make Regulations for the better management of the Club and its activities which shall be binding on members. The General Committee shall have power from time to time to add amend or change such Regulations which shall have effect no less than thirty (30) days after publication on the club’s website.

5A  Borrowing: If, at any time, the Club in General Meeting shall pass a resolution authorising the General Committee to borrow money, the General Committee shall thereupon be empowered to borrow for the purposes of the Club such amount of money either at one time or from time to time and at such rate of interest and in such form or manner and upon such security as shall be specified in such resolution and thereupon the Trustees shall at the direction of the General Committee make all such dispositions of the Club property or any part thereof and enter into such agreements in relation thereto as the General Committee may deem proper for giving security for such loans and interest. All members of the Club whether voting on such resolution or not and all persons becoming members of the Club after the passing of such resolution shall be deemed to have assented to the same as if they had voted in favour of such resolution.

5B Acting on Behalf of the Club: No member shall, without the express written authority of the general committee, enter into or conclude any contract or to undertake any commitment or obligation in the name of, or on behalf of the Club.

5C Contracts and Commitments: Any unusual, long term or potentially expensive contract or commitment must include wording to the effect that ‘the overall liability to the contracting member or trustee arising from any contractual or other commitment undertaken by them on behalf of the Club, shall be limited to the assets of the Club in their control.’

6   Election of Officers: The President, Vice-Presidents, Officers (except the retiring Commodore) and members of the General Committee (other than those whose term of office is incomplete), shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. Any Full member shall be eligible for election and, subject to such member’s consent, shall be proposed and seconded by any two Full members who must send their proposal in writing to the Hon. Secretary not later than 31st December preceding the Annual General Meeting. The Hon. Secretary shall post a list of all nominations, together with their proposers and seconders, on the Club notice board not later than the 7th January following. Should there be more candidates than vacancies, they shall be balloted for at the Annual General Meeting. Should a vacancy occur in the General Committee during the year, it shall be promptly filled by the General Committee. Should a vacancy occur amongst the Officers during the year, the General Committee shall have the power temporarily to fill the vacancy if this should be thought necessary but such appointments shall be ratified at the next General Meeting.

7   Indemnity of Officers: The Trustees, General Committee, Hon. Secretary and other Officers of the Club acting in discharge of their duties shall be indemnified by the Club against all costs, losses and expenses which they may incur or become liable for by reason of any act or deed done by them or any contract entered into on behalf of the Club.

8   Annual General Meeting: The Annual General Meeting of members shall be held in February.

9   Extraordinary General Meetings: An Extraordinary General Meeting may be requisitioned at any time by the Commodore, or in his absence, by any other Officer of the Club, or by any ten full members by notice in writing to the Hon. Secretary stating the business to be put before the Meeting.

10  Notice of Meetings: Members shall be given at least seven clear days notice in writing of any General Meeting. Such notice shall state the business to be put before the Meeting.  Where the member has provided the club with an e-mail address, the meaning of notice shall be deemed to have been satisfied by the delivery of such a notice to the e-mail address given.

11  Chairman: The Commodore or, in his absence, the next senior Officer present shall take the chair at all meetings of the Club and, if no Officer is present, any member after having been elected shall preside. In the event of there being an equal number of votes for and against a motion the chairman shall have a second or casting vote.

12  Minutes: The Hon. Secretary shall keep correct minutes of the proceedings of the Club in the minute books which are to be produced at every General Meeting.  A summary of General Committee proceedings shall be published in the members’ private section of the Club website once minutes have been approved.

13  Quorum: Eighteen members shall form a quorum at a General Meeting and six at a meeting of the General Committee. In both cases two thirds shall be boat owners.

14  Qualification for membership:

14.1  Full membership: Any person shall be eligible for full membership providing that he or she

14.1.1 is an active sailor, or

14.1.2 if a novice, satisfies the General Committee that he or she intends to become an active sailing member, or

14.1.3 if unable to take an active part, satisfies the General Committee that he or she was previously an active sailor and that his or her membership would be beneficial to the promotion of the sport.

14.2    Retired membership: Any person shall be eligible for retired membership if he or she would be eligible for full membership and either (being over the age of 60) has retired from active business or is over the age of 65.

14.3    Outport membership: Any person living outside a radius of 50 miles from the Clubhouse and being a full member of a recognised yacht club shall be eligible for outport membership provided always that the General Committee may in its discretion waive the requirement that such person is a full member of a recognised yacht club in any particular case.

14.4  Junior membership: Any person below the age of 18 shall be eligible for junior membership.

14.5  Associate membership: The following persons shall be eligible for associate membership:-

any person who not being eligible under any of the foregoing categories satisfies the General Committee that his or her membership would be beneficial to the Club, and

any person who on 1st January in the year in question has attained the age of 18 but not the age of 23 years (or such greater age as the Committee shall in its discretion determine) and who is undergoing a full time course of vocational training, retraining or education and would otherwise be eligible for full membership.

14.6 Young Adult: Any person who is eligible for membership under any of the foregoing categories and is less than 25 years old on the 1st January of that year may, at the discretion of the General Committee, be eligible for young adult membership at a concessionary annual subscription.

14.7  Family membership: Persons who are eligible for membership under any of the foregoing categories and who are also members of a family or household unit (recognised as such by the General Committee) of whom at least one is a full member may, at the discretion of the General Committee, be eligible for family membership (which may include junior members only whilst such members are eligible for junior membership) at a concessionary annual subscription.

14.8  Temporary membership: Any friend of a member, if visiting the district, shall be eligible for temporary membership for a maximum period of one month.

Only Full, Young Adult and Retired members whom have completed at least 1 years’ continuous membership of the Club shall be entitled to vote at General Meetings.

15  Application for membership: Any person wishing to join the Club shall be proposed and seconded by any two Full members each of whom shall have been on the Club register for at least one year. An official application form shall be completed and forwarded to the Hon. Membership Secretary, for consideration by the General Committee at its next convenient meeting. Unless rejected by the General Committee, a notice of the application shall be emailed to the membership and posted in the Clubhouse for a period of at least seven days and, thereafter, subject to payment by the applicant of such entrance fee and subscription as is ruling at the time, the General Committee may elect the applicant to membership of the Club.  Upon election, an applicant will be required to pay a pro-rata first subscription, based upon the number of whole months remaining in the current season. The calculation of the number of whole months remaining will begin on the first day of the month in which the application was submitted.  The amount due will be rounded up to the nearest £1.00.  The foregoing provisions shall not apply to a transfer from one category of membership to another and Temporary members may be admitted at the discretion of the General Committee who may delegate the exercise of such discretion to such of their number as they determine.

16  Election of members: The election of all new members, other than Honorary members, shall be by majority vote of the General Committee. Honorary life members and Honorary annual members shall be elected at a General Meeting but shall be limited in quantity to four Honorary annual members and six Honorary life members.

17  Resignation: Any member wishing to resign from the Club shall give notice in writing to the Hon. Membership Secretary and shall pay all arrears due up to the date of his or her notice. Resignation must be tendered prior to 1st January otherwise the subscription for the following year shall become due and immediately payable by the resigning member.

18  Expulsion of members: A member shall withdraw from the Club if requested to do so by three-quarters of those present at any meeting of the General Committee and for the purpose of this rule a quorum shall be eight members. The Hon. Secretary shall invite the member to be present at such a meeting for the purpose of making such representations as he or she wishes.

19  Subscription: The annual subscription shall be due on 1st January or on election but the General Committee shall have power to agree with any member terms for payment by instalments. The General Committee shall have the power to alter the amounts of the annual subscription and/or entrance fee for all or any classes of membership provided that, without the sanction of the members in General Meeting, no increased amount shall be greater than the corresponding amount previously in force increased in line with the retail prices index and rounded up to the nearest whole pound.

20  Arrears of subscription: No member shall take part in any debate or proceedings of the Club or enter, steer or sail on board to qualify a boat for any prize given by or on behalf of the Club whilst in default in the payment of his or her subscription for the current year and all debts that he or she may owe to the Club. The General Committee shall have power to expel from membership of the Club a member who fails to honour the agreed terms for payment of the subscription by instalments and any other member who fails to pay his or her subscription by 31st March. Such a member shall not be eligible for re-election at any future time unless sufficient reason can be shown to the contrary. 

21  Accounts: All monies collected shall be paid to the Hon. Treasurer who shall keep a correct account of all receipts and payments made by him or her on account of the Club and who shall present accounts to the members at the Annual General Meeting. Any Trustee or the members in general meeting shall have power to require the accounts to be audited.

22  Rent of accommodation or equipment: Members wishing to rent accommodation or equipment shall apply to the Captain.

23  Aggrieved members: Any member who is aggrieved by a decision by the General Committee may requisition an Extraordinary General Meeting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Rule 9 if supported by at least nine members.

24  Alteration of Rules: Any member wishing to propose any alteration or addition to the Rules of the Club shall give notice thereof to the Hon. Secretary describing in full the proposed alterations or additions. The Hon. Secretary shall place this on the agenda of the next General Meeting after giving full particulars of the proposal on the notice convening the Meeting when, if seconded, a ballot shall be taken thereon and to be carried must have a majority in the proportion of three votes to two.

25 Dissolution of the Club:  The members may vote to wind up the Club if not less than three quarters of those present and voting support that proposal at a properly convened general meeting.

25.1 The General Committee will then be responsible for the orderly winding up of the Club’s affairs. After settling all liabilities of the Club, the Committee shall dispose of the net assets remaining to one or more of the following:

25.1.1 to another Club with similar sports purposes which is a registered charity and/or

25.1.2 to another Club with similar sports purposes which is a registered CASC and/or

25.1.3 to the Club’s national governing bodies for use by them for related community sports.

The words used in these Rules are to be interpreted in their common sense meaning and for the avoidance of doubt any question concerning interpretation shall be decided by the General Committee whose decision shall be binding.